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  1. 1


    My family and I spent our holidays on a ____ boat.

  2. 2


    What a ____ shirt!

  3. 3


    Did you find your ____ hat?

  4. 4


    We went to a bar last night and heard a(n) ____ band.

  5. 5


    This is the ____ table I bought at the mall last week.

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    Yesterday I met a ____ boy

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    Considere as orações abaixo: I. I am _____ of scorpions. II. I found his joke _____. III. The play was very _____. IV. I am always very _____ at the end of the day.    Qual alternativa completa, respectivamente, as lacunas de forma correta? 

  8. 8


    Considere as orações abaixo: I. This story is so _____. II. We will be very _____ if it rains today. III. Her behavior is very _____. IV. The news was very _____.    Qual alternativa completa, respectivamente, as lacunas de forma correta? 

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    UNEMAT 2010

    BRAZIL'S ECONOMY LEAVES RECESSION Brazil has come out of recession after its economy grew in the April-to-June quarter. The largest economy in Latin America expanded by 1.9% in the second quarter from the previous three months. Data also showed Sweden emerged from recession on Friday, a sign that economies are starting to recover from the global economic downturn. Other countries that have come out recession include the eurozone's largest economies, Germany and France. Japan, the world's second-largest economy, also grew by 0.6% in the second quarter, less than the 0.9% growth the government initially estimated. Most countries have enacted large stimulus packages to pull themselves out of the slump. Brazil has poured money into large-scale public infrastructure projects, cut taxes on new cars and passed tax breaks on companies and individuals. The return to growth means that Brazil's recession was comparatively short, amounting to just two quarters of negative growth. The economy shrank by 1% in the first three months of 2009, a revision from the previously announced 0.8%, said statistics agency IBGE. In the last quarter of 2008, Brazil saw a contraction of 3.4%, itself a revision from an earlier figure of 3.8%. On Thursday, the Brazilian government said inflation had slowed in August, giving a total of 4.4% for the past 12 months. The rate is below the central bank's 2009 inflation target of 4.5%. Fonte: (Acessado em 14/09/09)   Assinale a alternativa correta.  

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    UEMG 2010

    American superstar Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana on August 29, 1958 and entertained audiences nearly his entire life. A musical prodigy, Michael’s singing and dancing talents were amazingly mature and he soon became the dominant voice and focus of The Jackson 5. As the Jackson 5, they became a cutting-edge example of black crossover artists. “You basically had five working-class black boys with Afros and bell bottoms, and they really didn’t have to trade any of that stuff in order to become mainstream stars. Young Michael Jackson was the first black ‘bubblegum teen star’. He became one of the first African-Americans to be a global icon”, said Mark Anthony Neal, a professor of black popular culture at Duke University’s Department of African and African American Studies. Solo success for Michael was inevitable, and by the 1980s he had become infinitely more popular than his brotherly group. Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, “Thriller” in 1982. From his precocious abilities as a young singer in The Jackson 5 to his legendary “moon-walk” dance, Jackson continued as a pioneer in the black culture when he broke barriers by appearing on MTV and had much better luck with elaborate music videos. The former president of CBS Records, Walter Yetnikoff, remembered with scorn that MTV would not play “Billie Jean” or “Beat It” because it billed itself as a rock station. Michael Jackson co-wrote with Lionel Richie, “We Are the World,” a 1985 charity single that raised an estimated $50 million for famine relief in Africa, ushered in Live Aid and the era of celebrity philanthropy. Michael Jackson was the supreme showman who had an unrivalled knack of grabbing headlines. Michael Jackson made culture accept a person of color way before Tiger Woods, way before Oprah Winfrey, way before Barack Obama. Michael did with music what they later did in sports and in politics and in television. And no controversy will erase the historic impact. He also influenced a new generation of black musicians, including Usher, Ne-Yo and Kanye West. Jackson’s changing physical appearance in the past two decades led to criticism that he was trying to be less black. But during a 1993 interview with Oprah Winfrey, Jackson shot down rumors that he was dying his skin to make it lighter. He told the talk show host that he had vitiligo, a disorder that destroyed his skin pigmentation. Total worldwide sales of more than 350 million records over his 40-year career give just a hint of the adoration there was for the “King of Pop”. On June 25, 2009, with his sudden death at age 50 of a cardiac arrest just as he was just coming out of a four-year reclusive period and rehearsing for a sold-out London concert in July seems uncommonly cruel and tragic. Millions of dedicated fans will remember where they were “the day Michael died” and he will be remembered as a musical hero - but also a man with human flaws. Adapted from and The Internet Movie   In the sentence “Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, ‘Thriller’ in 1982”, the biggest is

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    UEPG 2013

    Water is life Nearly seventy percent of the world's fresh water is locked in ice. Most of the rest is in aquifers that we're draining much more quickly than the natural recharge rate. Two-thirds of our water is used to grow food. With eighty-three million more people on Earth each year, water demand will keep going up unless we change how we use it. Americans use about 100 gallons* of water at home each day. Millions of the world's poorest subsist on less than five gallons. 46 percent of people on Earth do not have water piped to their homes. Women in developing countries walk an average of 3.7 miles to get water. In fifteen years, 1.8 billion people will live in regions of severe water scarcity. *1 gallon = 3,785 liters (USA) Adaptado de: Barbara Kingsolver, National Geographic Magazine, April 2010.   O segmento the world’s poorest, presente na segunda sentença do segundo parágrafo quer dizer:

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    ITA 2014

    A HISTORY OF PI   The history of Pi, says the author, though a small part of the history of mathematics, is nevertheless a mirror of the history of man. Petr Beckmann holds up this mirror, giving the background of the times when Pi made progress — and also when it did not, because science was being stifled by militarism or religious fanaticism. The mathematical level of this book is flexible, and there is plenty for readers of all ages and interests.   ABOUT THE AUTHOR   Petr Beckmann was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, in 1924. Until 1963, he worked as a research scientist for the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, when he was invited as a Visiting Professor to the University of Colorado, where he decided to stay permanently as professor of electrical engineering.   Dr. Beckmann has authored 11 books and more than 50 scientific papers, mostly on probability theory and electromagnetic wave propagation. History is one of his side interests; another is linguistics (he is fluent in five languages and he has worked out a new generative grammar which enables a computer to construct trillions of grammatical sentences from a dictionary of less than 100 unprocessed words).   He also publishes a monthly pro-science, pro-technology, pro-free enterprise newsletter Access to Energy, in which he promotes the viewpoint that clean energy can be made plentiful, but that access to it is blocked by government interference and environmental paranoia. BECKMANN, Petr. A History of Pi. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1983.   No contexto deste texto, o item lexical “stifled” (linha 3) pode ser traduzido por

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    UPE 2015

    Sleeping on stilts in the Amazon As 75-year-old villager Antônio Gomes told us stories of growing up in Boca do Mamirauá, a tiny settlement in the northern Amazon rainforest, I tried to ignore the tiny blue flies biting through my trousers. Despite my interest in hearing how locals survive in this remote part of the Brazilian rainforest, now a part of the Mamirauá Sustainable Development Reserve, I was grateful to escape when he finished, finding refuge in one of the tall wooden houses. The houses hover some 3m above the ground. They are not unusual: almost everything in the Mamirauá reserve is on stilts, even the chicken coop. It has to be. Although much of Brazil is currently suffering one of the worst droughts in decades, this part of the Amazon is almost completely flooded for the six-month wet season. By April, the end of the rainy season, the river rises up to 10m high and overflows its banks. As a result, all living things in the forest, including locals, must adopt an amphibious lifestyle. Even the jaguars have learned to adapt by living in tree branches when the floods arrive. Only 1,000 tourists per year are allowed to visit Mamirauá, which, at 57,000sqkm, is the largest wildlife reserve in the country. Created in 1984 to save the once-endangered uakari monkey, the reserve is the most carefully managed and protected part of the Amazon – and is also home to what many consider Brazil’s most successful sustainable tourist resort, the Uakari Floating Lodge. “If [the reserve] had not been created,” guide Francisco Nogeuira said, “the rivers and lakes would be empty of fish, and who knows how many trees would remain today?" Disponível em: .   In the last paragraph, it is possible to find sentences in

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    UERJ 2014

    Wiser and older Sometimes the world of science and medicine produces something that can only be described as unalloyed good news. We are used to stories about pollution scares and increases in the rates of cancer, but bubbling beneath is the stark reality that we live at a time when humans are healthier and live longer than at any time in our history. The Office for National Statistics figures, recently released, make heartening if surprising reading. They show that most men are surviving until the age of 85, while women are living four years longer. Furthermore, we can expect these figures to increase as the century progresses. What’s driving this extraordinary increase in human longevity? The increase has been driven by a number of advances. Firstly, the huge reduction in neonatal and infant deaths. These days, nearly all babies born in a prosperous advanced nation can expect to survive into adulthood. Over half the couples in the world are having fewer than two children each. This is partly because almost everywhere infant mortality is falling, globally faster today than at any time in human history. Sanitation, vaccination and better diets have increased lifespans once we survive infancy, but they cannot wholly explain why people are living into their eighties and beyond. A cut in physical stress and a huge reduction in exposure to toxic and carcinogenic substances in the environment may explain much of the increase. In the 1950s, thousands died or became very ill during the London smogs. That threat, along with numerous other environmental containments, has gone. We have also begun to stop smoking and we are drinking less, too. Finally, life is much safer than it used to be. As psychologist Steven Pinker shows in his book, The better angels of our nature, the history of all societies has shown an amazing decline in violence over the past century. We are ten times less likely to be murdered today than we were two hundred years ago, and three times less likely to be killed on the roads than we were in the 1960s. So, can the increase in longevity continue? According to gerontologists, there is no clear answer. Currently the maximum human lifespan is 122 years, attained by the French woman Jeanne Calment who died in 1997. Significantly, no one has come close to her astonishing record. Instead, more and more of us are dodging the bullets of middle age and living to our personal genetic potential. So how long is the natural human lifespan? The answer seems to be that, in a world where infectious diseases are kept at bay and where we are safe from predators and starvation, and provided we keep our lifestyles in check, most people should reach 80 or 90. Something very big is going on, wrote Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations secretary general. He warned that “the social and economic implications of this phenomenon are profound, extending far beyond the individual older person and the immediate family, touching broader society and the global community in unprecedented ways”. What the figures show more than anything is that we need a rapid and radical rethink of how we treat the elderly among us, as they will soon be the majority.   most men are surviving until the age of 85, while women are living four years longer. According to the sentence above, women will probably reach the age of:

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    UPE 2014

    UNCONTACTED TRIBE IN BRAZIL ENDS ITS ISOLATION   LATEST NEWS By Heather Pringle 8 July 2014 11:45 am   Last week, Brazilian officials announced that an isolated Amazonian tribe took a momentous and potentially tragic step. Emerging from dense rainforest along the Upper Envira River in the state of Acre, Brazil, the group willingly approached a team of Brazilian government scientists on 29 June and made peaceful contact with the outside world. Officials suspect that the tribe fled illegal logging and drug trafficking in their traditional homelands in Peru. The meeting was Brazil's first official contact with an isolated Amazonian tribe in 20 years. Anthropologists remain deeply concerned about the tribe's future as it encounters novel diseases and resource-hungry outsiders. Many previous contacts have ended in tragedy, as diseases such as influenza and whooping cough ravaged tribes. Disponível em: Adaptado.   According to the text, “uncontacted” means the tribe lives

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    UFMA 2009

    Considering that “Hotter than” is the comparative of “Hot”, what are the comparative forms of the following adjectives: massive, complicated, new?

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    UFV 2005

    The Yanomami of Brazil's Amazon No navigable rivers cross the mountainous rain-forest region of Brazil and Venezuela that the Yanomami call home. They lived in isolation from the rest of the world for, some claim, at least five thousand years. Discovered in the early 1950s, the Yanomami 6were left alone for much of the next three decades. But between 1973 and 1976, Brazilians built a road, the Perimetral Norte, passing along the southern boundary of the Indians' territory. The Perimetral brought the first, 3but short, invasion of gold miners. A more significant gold rush began in 1987. Thousands of armed 21miners came to the Amazon. Since then, at least two thousand Yanomami 8have been massacred or 7have died of epidemics of measles, tuberculosis, and hepatitis. That's around 10 percent of their total population. 1Although the Yanomami have a reputation for fierceness, in my journeys among them, I 9could scarcely have found a 19friendlier people. 10Those whom I met were 20good-natured and welcoming. The men hunted or worked in their gardens. Women, each usually accompanied by a child, hunted frogs, freshwater crabs, and gathered wild fruits and mushrooms. I never stopped marveling at the amazing agility with which the Yanomami climbed trees to get fruits or honey. In two and a half hours, on average, they easily 14supplied all their daily needs. 5Thus, relatively little work provided the Yanomami with a 15balanced diet. Both men and women spent most of their time socializing in their hammocks, next to their family fires. They cooked, 17made arrows, wove baskets, and painted each other. Never were they alone. Never did they miss support from their families or clans. Their society and manners were 22well-regulated. Yanomami children, at the age of three could join the other kids to play in the central yard. All of 11their games copied their parents' activities. The girls liked to decorate each other with urucu (a vegetable paint) and to bake small flatbreads, made of manioc, on the fire. 12They spent time helping their mothers. Boys used their bows and arrows almost constantly, and though 13they would not eat the lizards and small snakes they killed, they 16cooked their catch with care. Inevitably, they also played war. I was surprised to find in the Amazon a people so similar to those I deal with every day at home. 4Despite their seclusion, the Yanomami tribe included all the roles typical of a modern society. There was the leader, the lawyer, the politician, the clown, the salesman, the story teller, and even, in spirit, the paper shuffler. The Yanomami's acute sense of humor and understanding of the comical was another source of wonder for me, as well as a proof of their great intelligence. They were such good company that they made me laugh often. In turn, my laugh, which is much 18lower pitched than their own, proved to be a great source of amusement and delight for the people. At night, when we all rested in our hammocks, the hundred or so Yanomami echoed every one of my outbursts, 2even though they had no idea what I was laughing about – which made me laugh again. ENGLEBERT, V. A Once Hidden People: The Yanomami of Brazil's Amazon. In The World & I: The magazine for lifelong learners. May 2004, p. 186-195. (adapted)   Choose the alternative in which BOTH words are examples of the comparative form:

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    UNIOESTE 2012

    Brazil police occupy Rio favela in World Cup operation Brazilian security forces have occupied one of Rio de Janeiro's biggest slums as part of a major crackdown ahead of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics. Some 800 police and special forces moved into the Mangueira shantytown, without needing to fire a shot, having announced the raid in advance. The slum – or favela – is close to Rio's famous Maracana stadium, where the World Cup final will be played. The pre-dawn operation involved armoured vehicles and helicopters. According to the newspaper, O Globo, leaflets were thrown out of the helicopters, some with photos of wanted criminals. Others were printed with the police special forces' telephone number so that residents could pass on information about drugs traffickers or weapons. BBC Brazil correspondent Paulo Cabral says most of Mangueira's residents co-operated with the operation, as they want to rid the area of drug dealers. He says that Rio's authorities are making an effort to gain the trust of those living in the slums, who – after decades of abuse – have got used to seeing the police as their enemy. Mangueira – home to one of Rio's most famous samba schools – is the 18th favela that the authorities have occupied recently. Disponível em: . (adaptado).   The only option that does not contain an adjective used in the superlative form is:

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    UNEB 2014

    Brazil Science Without Borders The Brazilian government’s new Science Without Borders Program will provide scholarships to undergraduate students from Brazil for one year of study at colleges and universities in the United States. Scholarships will be given primarily to students in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. Students in the program will return to Brazil to complete their degrees. Undergraduate students from Brazil may apply for the Science Without Borders Program scholarship beginning August 31, 2011. This program, administered by IIE, is part of the Brazilian government’s larger initiative to grant 100,000 scholarships for the best students from Brazil to study abroad at the world’s best universities. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 12 out. 2013.   Considering language use in the text, it’s correct to say:

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    ITA 2014

    Harvard conducted one of the longest and most comprehensive studies of human development — the 75 year old Grant Study — that’s reached some fascinating conclusions regarding the recipe for leading a happy life. The sample group was comprised of healthy male Harvard college students who, over the course of their lifetime, agreed to meet with an array of scientists and researchers who measured their psychological, physical and anthropological traits. Though all identities are confidential, it was recently discovered that John F. Kennedy was a sample participant. Following these men through times of war, their careers, parenthood and old age, the Grant Study has amassed an exorbitant amount of data that deeply reflects the human condition. What can be concluded from seven decades of data? It is quite simple actually; warm relationships between parents, spouses, children and friends have the greatest impact on your health and happiness in old age. The study found that 93 percent of the sample group who were thriving at age 65, had a close relationship with a sibling when they were younger. As George Vaillant, the lead director of the study states, it can all be boiled down into five simple words: “Happiness is love. Full stop.” (Business Insider.) (acesso em 10/06/2013)   Assinale a opção cuja reescrita não altera o sentido de: “Though all identities are confidential, it was recently discovered that John F. Kennedy was a sample participant.” (linha 5)

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    FATEC 2010

    Das frases reproduzidas a seguir, aquela que traz exemplos de graus de comparação está na alternativa

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    UFV 2004

    Has technology ruined childhood? Today, parents are increasingly worried about the safety of their children, and because of this, 1they are not letting their children out to play. As a result, children are no longer playing outside but shutting 2themselves away in their rooms and losing themselves in individualistic activities such as television viewing and computer games. Yet, if they had the chance, they would rather get out of the house and go to the cinema, see friends or play sport. In fact, when asked what their idea of a good day was, only 1 in 7 said that they would turn on the television. British teenagers have always retreated to their bedrooms, leaving the 3younger children to play in communal spaces such as the sitting room, garden or kitchen. However, children from the age of 9 are now turning to their bedrooms as a place to socialise. Bedroom culture is a phenomenon of the past 20 years with families getting 4smaller and homes getting more spacious. Increasing prosperity has also contributed to the rise of the bedroom culture. Of British children aged 6 to 17, 72% have a room they do not have to share with a sibling, 68% have their own music installation, 34% have an electronic games 5controller hooked up to the television, 21% have a PC. Only 1%, on the other hand, have an Internet connection in their bedroom. On average children devote 5 hours a day to screen media. Even so, only 1 child in 100 can be classed as a real screen addict, a child who spends a worrying 7 hours or more watching TV or playing computer games. Although children generally have a few favourite programmes, they mostly use television to kill time when they are bored and have nothing special to do. Moreover, the distinction between individualistic media use and social activities such as chatting with friends is less extreme than is commonly assumed. Children gossip about television soap characters, make contact with other children on the Internet, and visit friends to admire 6their new computer games. As the use of PCs proliferates, reading skills are expected to suffer. Nevertheless, 57% of children say they still enjoy reading, and 1 in 5 teenagers can be classed as a book-lover. As a result of the bedroom culture, it is becoming 7rarer for children over the age of 10 to watch television with their parents. Once in their rooms, children tend to stay up watching television for as long as they wish. Consequently it is getting 8harder to control children's viewing. One father told researchers that 9he drew the line at 9 pm. His son, on the other hand, said: "They tell us to go up at about 9.30 or 10 or something, and then we just watch until they come up and tell us to switch 10it off at 11 or 11.30."   All the alternatives below are examples of comparatives, EXCEPT:

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    UEMA 2015

    Frejat In 1985, Frejat, then guitarist for Barão Vermelho, hit the stage wearing green and yellow clothes. It was January 15th, the day in which Tancredo Neves was named president of Brazil. Cazuza sang "Pro Dia Nascer Feliz" with lots of enthusiasm. Frejat returns to the festival this year for a solo performance on October 1st. Fonte: Disponível em: TAM. TAM nas nuvens. São Paulo: New Content Editora, set/2011.   Que elemento linguístico do texto em inglês indica que Frejat já saiu da banda Barão Vermelho?

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    UNB 2012

    Our daily lives require interaction with others; there’s no way to avoid people entirely. We categorize relationships with names: some people are friends, others family, co-workers, enemies, heroes, celebrities, in-laws. But one of the most powerful relationships that can exist between people is fraternity. It straddles* the defined boundaries between friendship and family, affection and obligation, desire and necessity. It enables discussion, understanding, unity, and respect, though differences may exist amongst those who preserve it. Few have tried to define fraternity, and even fewer have succeeded in any memorable way, but nevertheless we recognize it in its many manifestations when and where it exists.   *straddle — to include different things; something that straddles a line, such as a border or river, exists on each side of it or goes across it. Internet: (adapted).   Based on the text, judge the items below. (  ) The word “Few” refers to people. (  ) Nothing in humans is as immensely powerful as fraternity. (  ) Whenever and wherever fraternity prevails, personal differences disappear. (  ) None but less than a few have succeeded in setting up a noteworthy definition for fraternity. (  ) Fraternity deserves universal acknowledgement regardless of human personal relations.   Coloque C para Certo e E para Errado e assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta. 

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    UFRGS 2008

                As the 2007 Pan-American Games set for Rio de Janeiro approached, it seemed that everything was 4going the wrong way. Most Rio 2dwellers and Brazilians in general didn't think the city would be able to host this major 3sporting event.             In 2007, besides a rise in crime, air traffic problems escalated almost to a chaotic state, and the structural works for the games fell alarmingly behind schedule. 1__________, in a 5surprising manner, at the opening ceremony at Maracana Stadium, 8it seemed like all the problems had magically vanished.             The late structural works were suddenly solved at the last minute, in the best Brazilian tradition, and the overwhelming majority of events took place peacefully, except for 9a persistent and impolite booing from the spectators towards Americans, Argentineans and anyone playing against a Brazilian competitor.             Rio de Janeiro bade farewell to the 6participating delegations with a taste for 7hosting big events, and an eye at the Olympic Games of 2016. All things considered, the city's homework was definitely 10well done. Adapted from: MOTA, Alan. 2007 Ohmy News International Sports. 30 jul. 2007. Acesso em: 05 set. 2007   Which of the phrases below present the same structure as "sporting event" (ref. 3)?   1 - "going the wrong way" (ref. 4) 2 - "surprising manner" (ref. 5) 3 - "participating delegations" (ref. 6) 4 - "hosting big events" (ref. 7)

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    UFPE 2007

    São Paulo Midnight Metropolis Your eyes snap open. "My bag. Where's my bag?" The hour glows red on the nightstand: 11:16. You jump out of bed and turn on the light. "Where is it?" Not in the closet. Not under the bed. Not in the bathroom, either. You sit on the floor, the blood pounding in your ear. "Think." Everything is in that bag – your cash, ID, credit cards. Everything. "It must be at the restaurant." You throw on some clothes, pocket the bills and loose change on the nightstand, and leave. A light rain is falling when you hit the streets. Buses roar up Avenida Ipiranga. You keep your head down, trying to look dangerous, and hurry past Praça da República. Edifício Itália, São Paulo's tallest building, stands on the opposite corner. You had dinner on the top floor earlier this evening. At the stoplight you watch as an enormous man in a silver suit leaves the building and opens the rear door of an illegally parked car. The bag he throws onto the back seat looks exactly like yours. There is a taxi across the avenue. The restaurant closes at midnight. It's 11:38. From São Paulo Midnight Metropolis, SPEAK UP Anniversary Issue, Year XIX, Number 227, April 2006, page 29.   Select the phrase that is in the comparative degree of superiority.

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    UNIFESP 2013

    Life of a Nantucket Surgeon   By Tara Parker-Pope July 27, 2012     In her new book, “Island Practice”, the New York Times reporter Pam Belluck tells the story of Dr. Timothy Lepore, a quirky 67-year-old physician who for the past 30 years has been the only surgeon working on the island of Nantucket. But Dr. Lepore is no ordinary surgeon. Life on an island, even one that has become a summer playground to the rich and famous, requires a certain amount of resourcefulness and flexibility. Over the years Dr. Lepore has taken it upon himself to deliver whatever type of medical care his island inhabitants need, often challenging conventional notions of medicine and redefining what it means to be a healer. While his surgical skills have been used for minor repairs and lifesaving procedures, he often works as a general practitioner, treating everyday ailments. Distraught island residents also call on him for counseling and comfort, and he even steps into the role of veterinarian when needed.   I recently spoke with Ms. Belluck about the time she spent with Dr. Lepore. Here’s part of our conversation.   • I think of Nantucket as a posh summer tourist destination. Were you surprised to find such a quirky character there?   I thought of it as this rich summer haven, but there is this whole year-round population that is really interesting and diverse and has to scrabble for a living. Even the hardship was surprising. You think any place is accessible, but there are a lot of times where you cannot get on or off the island, and you can’t get what you need. Even though they have fast ferries and airplanes now, you’re still at the mercy of the elements, and that creates a lot of drama.   • What kinds of challenges has Dr. Lepore faced?   Part of it is the fact that as the only surgeon, you kind of need to do everything, and you may not know how to do something. There was a guy who came home and had forgotten to pick up potatoes, and his wife stabbed him in the heart. It’s the kind of stab wound that only 10 percent of patients make it to the hospital alive, and 1 percent will survive. Dr. Lepore had never seen anything like this before, but there was no time to get the guy off the island. So he had to reach in and get the heart started. There wasn’t the right equipment to sew him up, and they had only six units of blood, which is not that much. But he’s an encyclopedia of arcane facts, and he remembered that in the 1800s they used black silk thread for this kind of injury. They found some black silk thread, and he managed to close this guy’s heart and get it beating again. The guy survived and became a marathon runner. There is a field hospital-type feeling to it. You’re not under fire, but there is making do with what you have and flying by the seat of your pants. Often the weather is bad, and he has never done it before, but he just has to do it.   • Does he make a good living? Does he take insurance?   He takes insurance, but he also takes people who can’t pay at all. He will even allow people to pay him in kind. One of the undercurrents of the book is that his hospital on Nantucket is now run by Partners Health Care, the big health care corporation that runs Massachusetts General and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. They have instituted some new systems, but he flouts many of them. He says, “Nobody is going to manage my time. Nobody is going to tell me what to do.” They can’t really complain because they need him. ( Adaptado.)     An appropriate expression to describe Dr. Timothy Lepore would be

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    UEPG 2012

    NOW A BABY MAY WELL LIVE TO 100   Somewhere, an October 2011 newborn just pushed global population past seven billion, according to the United Nations Population Fund. If the birth occurred in Japan, France, The United States, or a handful or other wealthy nations, that landmark child will likely reach another milestone: a 100th birthday. Today, says Danish epidemiologist Kaare Christensen, more than half the babies in such well-off places are expected to become centenarians.   A typical life in an industrialized country is now about eighty years long – three decades longer than it was a century ago. In contrast, life expectancy in sub-Saharan Africa is a mere fifty-three years. Infant health worldwide has generally improved; the global gap persists largely due to gains in seniors' health in developed countries. Earlier diagnoses of illnesses, especially heart disease, and more accessible buildings have helped improve late-life comfort and mobility. As a result, says Christensen, most of those lucky enough to reach 100 "would like to have another birthday."   How best to join the hundred-plus club? There's no single answer. But most studies of centenarians show that if you're a woman, a nonsmoker, wealthy, or slim, you're off to a good start. Adaptado de: Brad Scriber. National Geographic Magazine. November 2011.   Com relação à classe gramatical a que pertencem os termos compostos "well-off", "late-life" e "hundredplus", presentes no primeiro, segundo e terceiro parágrafos, respectivamente, assinale a alternativa correta.

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    UFAM 2015

    How come the food I eat on airplanes is so bland?  “At 35,000 feet, the first thing that goes is your sense of taste,” explains Grant Mickels, executive chef for culinary development of Lufthansa’s LSG Sky Chefs. The quality of the food isn’t the issue. In a mock aircraft cabin, German researchers tried out ingredients at both sea level and in a pressurized condition at 8,000 feet. The tests revealed that the cabin atmosphere “makes your taste buds go numb, almost as if you had a cold,” says Mickels. Our perception of saltiness and sweetness drops by around 30 percent at high altitude. Decreased humidity in the cabin also dries out your nose and dulls the olfactory sensors essential for tasting flavors.—Barbara Peterson, from Condé Nast Traveler 26/08/2014   Um sinônimo adequado para a palavra “bland” seria

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    UNEMAT 2006

    WHY IS BRAZIL SO GOOD?  Brazil. That single word has come to sum up the very best of football. It stands for artistry, inspiration and genius, for the combination of sublime individual skill and collective fluidity to create a whole that is both beautiful to watch and devastatingly successful. The country has produced 50 years' worth of great players - Garrincha, Pele, Jairzinho, Tostao, Socrates and Zico to name but a few. Having won the World Cup a record five times, not surprisingly Brazil head into the 2006 tournament as the hot favourites to lift the trophy this summer. More than that, though, with outstanding individual talents such as Ronaldo, Ronaldinho and Kaka orchestrating the team, there are also high expectations they will produce moremoments that will live on in football legend. But how does Brazil produce so many great teams and wonderful players? With help from some of the biggest names in the country's football history, BBC Sport finds out what makes Brazil so good. 751387.stm Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.

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