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Quer colocar o estudo em prática? O Stoodi tem exercícios de Inversions dos maiores vestibulares do Brasil.

Estude Inglês com esses e mais de 30000 que caíram no ENEM, Fuvest, Unicamp, UFRJ, UNESP e muitos outros vestibulares!

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  1. 1


    Choose the best way to change the ordinary sentence into one with inversion: I realized the importance of the conference after the meeting.

  2. 2


    Choose the best way to change the ordinary sentence into one with inversion: We understood little about the class.

  3. 3


    Choose the best way to change the ordinary sentence into one with inversion: She looked so ridiculous that everyone in the office laughed.

  4. 4


    Choose the best way to change the ordinary sentence into one with inversion: There was a baby on the doorstep.

  5. 5


    Choose the best way to change the ordinary sentence into one with inversion: I seldom have dinner so late.

  6. 6


    Choose the best way to change the ordinary sentence into one with inversion: The runners went down the street.

  7. 7


    Choose the best way to change the ordinary sentence into one with inversion: I had never been to such a great restaurant before.

  8. 8


    Choose the best way to change the ordinary sentence into one with inversion: The children shouldn’t, under any circumstances, leave the room before we return.

  9. 9


    Choose the best way to change the ordinary sentence into one with inversion: If I met Jack, I would tell him the truth.

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