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Quer colocar o estudo em prática? O Stoodi tem exercícios de Linking Words dos maiores vestibulares do Brasil.

Estude Inglês com esses e mais de 30000 que caíram no ENEM, Fuvest, Unicamp, UFRJ, UNESP e muitos outros vestibulares!

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  1. 31

    FATEC 2007

    Keep your kisses short in Tangerang JAKARTA (Reuters) – Unrelated people who kiss each other on the lips for more than five minutes at public places in the Indonesian city of Tangerang will face arrest, local media said Friday. The government in Tangerang, a suburb west of Jakarta, defended the regulation as a practical guideline for its officers to follow up on tough and heavily criticized anti-prostitution laws passed by the city council last year. “Please do not dramatize this. We will not arrest people at will as we are not oppressors,” Ahmad Lutfi, head of the city’s public order department, told the Koran Tempo newspaper.   Nesse contexto, a conjunção “as” pode ser substituída, sem prejuízo de sentido, por

  2. 32

    ITA 2013

    5 Ways To Turn Fear Into Fuel   Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Jonathan Fields, author of Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for Brilliance.   Uncertainty. It’s a terrifying word.   Living with it, dangling over your head like the sword of Damocles, day in day out, is enough to send anyone spiraling into a state of anxiety, fear and paralysis.   Like it or not, though, uncertainty is the new normal. We live in a time where the world is in a state of constant, long-term flux. And, that’s not all. If you want to spend your time on the planet not just getting-by, but consistently creating art, experiences, businesses and lives that truly matter, you’ll need to proactively seek out, invite and even deliberately amplify uncertainty. Because the other side of uncertainty is opportunity.   Nothing great was ever created by waiting around for someone to tell you it’s all going to be okay or for perfect information to drop from the sky. Doesn’t happen that way. Great work requires you to act in the face of uncertainty, to live in the question long enough for your true potential to emerge. There is no alternative.   When you find the strength to act in the face of uncertainty, you till the soil of genius.   Problem is, that kills most people. It leads to unease, anxiety, fear and doubt on a level that snuffs out most genuinely meaningful and potentially revolutionary endeavors before they even see the light of day. Not because they wouldn’t have succeeded, but because you never equipped yourself to handle and even harness the emotional energy of the journey.   But, what if it didn’t have to be that way?   What if there was a way to turn the fear, anxiety and self-doubt that rides along with acting in the face of uncertainty—the head-to-toe butterflies—into fuel for brilliance?   Turns out, there is. Your ability to lean into the unknown isn’t so much about luck or genetics, rather it’s something entirely trainable. I’ve spent the past few years interviewing world-class creators across a wide range of fields and pouring over research that spans neuroscience, decision-theory, psychology, creativity and business.   Through this work, a collection of patterns, practices and strategies have emerged that not only turbocharge insight, creativity, innovation and problem-solving, but also help ameliorate so much of the suffering so often associated with the pursuit of any creative quest. Fonte: Acesso em 07/12/2011. Texto adaptado.   Na sentença “When you find the strength to act in the face of uncertainty, you till the soil of genius” (linha 13), o vocábulo “till” tem o mesmo significado de

  3. 33

    MACKENZIE 2014

    LAUGHING ALL THE WAY     Understanding jokes is part of the process of native language acquisition, and jokes are part of the charm that belongs to any language. Learning to understand jokes in a new language is both a cause, and a consequence, of language proficiency (Cook 2000).   The most obvious benefit of understanding jokes is that it can help students feel more comfortable in their new language. A shared moment of humor lowers the affective filter, that invisible barrier that makes learners feel awkward and uncomfortable. A low affective filter is one of the cornerstones of successfully learning a new language (Krashen 1982). If a class can laugh together, they are likely to learn better together, too. Jokes based on wordplay have additional benefits because they build metalinguistic awareness, or conscious awareness of the forms of language, and this,   ___( I )___, helps in learning more language (Ely and McCabe 1994; Zipke 2008; Lems 2011). In particular, metalinguistic awareness boots reading comprehension and encourages higher-order thinking. ___( II )___ native speakers need to access a great deal of linguistic information and background knowledge to “get” a joke (Aarons 2012). At the same time, jokes that are based on wordplay in another language can be really hard to understand because they need to be processed very quickly. In a social setting where everyone is standing around chatting, understanding a joke that comes up may seem like a high-stakes test. Not understanding a joke in this situation can make someone feel like an outsider and create a sense of isolation. ___( III )___, an important part of learning a new language is learning to enjoy its jokes.   Puns: A special form of joke Puns are a special form of humor based on double meanings. Puns are sometimes nicknamed “the lowest form of humor” and often greeted with groans, but in fact, the language knowledge needed to understand a pun is very sophisticated (Pollack 2011).___( IV )__ they require processing the sound and meaning of words twice, puns demand considerable language agility. __( V )__ humor based on sight gags, funny facial expressions, or amusing visual arrangements, the humor of pun is based on language play. ENGLISH TEACHING FORUM – VOLUME 51 NUMBER 1 2013     The words that properly fill in blanks I, II, III, IV and V, in the text, are

  4. 34

    UEG 2003

    TEXTO 3 A THIRSTY PLANET A woman drops a bucket into a dry well in Africa. A Chinese family watches its home vanish beneath a new reservoir. An Australian farmer kicks the salt crust slowly poisoning his field. In all corners of the globe people face trouble with water. It is the tie that binds every living thing, as vital to life as air. Yet one third of the world’s people live in countries where water supplies often don’t meet demand; more than a billion lack access to clean drinking water altogether. Those numbers will drastically increase in the next 25 years as the population grows. It’s not that we’re running out – Earth is awash in water, continuously recycling the same amount it’s had for eons. But accessible fresh water in lakes, rivers, and aquifers, often called renewable water, is less than onetenth of one percent of all Earth’s water – and it rarely lies where it’s needed most. We’ve tapped half of it already, and many of the world’s great watersheds now suffer from pollution, overexploitation, and political conflict. Have you checked your water source lately? NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. Washington, D.C. Sep. 2002. Supplement.   Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA:

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    UEG 2005

    TEXTO 3 A DECISION FOR 2010 On which side of the counter will you be in June 2010? In an aquarium or in the ocean? People are scared by this proposition. They think it’s either too late, or too early, to make such a serious decision. The fact is that people have become unaccustomed to dreaming. They have lost the courage to place themselves in the future and, from there, look at the present. They still don’t understand the need to manage the present, with an eye on the future. Worse yet: their thinking is always based on a projection from the past. Most spend about 90% of the time remembering from where they came, 9% justifying where they are, and only 1% thinking about where they want to be. Well, let’s turn this pyramid upside down. It’s not important where you came from, or where you are, but where you want to be! Those who keep their eyes on the past are unable to move toward the ocean that awaits them, where they can swim with big strokes. They get comfortable, surround themselves with envious and pessimistic people, quash any initiative taken by one of their children, a student, or a subordinate to find the way to the ocean. They create rituals and rules in the aquarium, as though it were the size of the world. It’s not! What is this aquarium that holds most people prisoner? It may be a company, a position, or a manipulative boss. It could be a love relationship, a poorly drawn contract, or a credit card that holds us hostage to our debts. It could also be an unwanted event, an illness, or a catastrophe. But the aquarium is mainly what we carry inside ourselves: a mental model filled with values, beliefs, prejudices, standards and truths that end up blocking our way to the sea. The aquarium is inside us. We are our biggest competitor. The first step to freedom is to think about June 2010 and make this inner choice: aquarium or ocean? That’s the question. SOUZA, César. Ícaro Brasil, RMC Editora, n. 238, jun. 2004, p. 20.   Assinale a alternativa INCORRETA.

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    UFABC 2007

    Police crack down on drug traffic RIO DE JANEIRO, June 2, 2007 (UPI) – Brazilian authorities arrested six major drug traffickers Friday ahead of an alleged planned attack against a rival gang in a Rio de Janeiro slum. Numerous weapons were seized in the police crackdown on the house where the traffickers were supposedly planning their assault, Agencia Estado reported Friday. Rio’s slums, known locally as “favelas,” have been the scene of increased drug-related violence in the past year, prompting city officials to request additional assistance from the federal government. (   No trecho destacado do texto a expressão ahead of pode ser substituída, sem mudar o sentido, por

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