
Diann Ferreira


When she graduates in August, she may get a raise. But what drives her is “the personal accomplishment rather than just the prestige of having a degree.”

MACGINN, Daniel. In: Newsweek, New York, n. 17, p. 44, 24 Apr. 2000.



Lt. Del Shelton

M.B.A., University of Maryland

His business degree could help him get promoted in the Navy — or afterward

When Del Shelton was searching for an online M.B.A. program, he considered all the alternatives. He settled on Maryland because it was just a few hours’ drive from his house (in case he needed to meet with a professor) and because as a child he’d cheered on its basketball team. It’s been a challenge. “You’re all alone — you really don’t have any help,” he says. But his degree should help him advance in the military and boost his civilian career later. And though his studies take time away from his family — “My weekends are pretty much shot” — his wife and three sons don’t mind too much. At least he’s in the house.

MACGINN, Daniel. In: Newsweek, New York, n. 17, p. 47, 24 Apr. 2000


INSTRUÇÃO: Para responder a essas questões, identifique as afirmativas verdadeiras, some os números a elas associados e assinale a alternativa que contém o resultado obtido.


According to text II, the alternatives which contain suitable synonyms are


(01) “was searching for” — was looking for.

(02) “he’d cheered” — he’d given shouts of encouragement.

(04) “a challenge” — a compensation.

(08) “boost” — help.

(16) “shot” — improved.

Escolha uma das alternativas.