UPE 2013



“Tackling climate change is a huge challenge for the world, and one where the mobile telecommunications industry can make a great contribution.”  

(Vittorio Colao, Vodafone Group CEO)  


We don’t agree on everything, but the world does seem to agree on one thing: Global warming is happening, and it’s causing big problems. And the biggest cause of global warming is carbon in the form of carbon dioxide produced by burning coal and oil.        


Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere keeps heat from escaping into space. Long ago, this greenhouse effect was a good thing. It kept the Earth from becoming too cold. But in modern times, more carbon dioxide has been entering the atmosphere, so less heat can escape. We’ve already raised the Earth’s temperature over one degree    Fahrenheit, and we can see the devastating effects – melting polar ice, retreating  glaciers, severe weather, and changes in the sea life.        


The solution is to burn less, but with the Earth’s population growing, how can this be accomplished? The answer, according to the experts, is not one amazing new technology, but rather all of the existing technologies combined.   […]        


Using less energy to begin with may be the easiest way for most of us to decrease carbon emissions. Switching from old‐fashioned incandescent light bulbs to high‐efficiency fluorescent lights dramatically decreases our electrical consumption. Lifestyle changes are also important, for example, turning off computer monitors when we’re using public transportation. Finally, if all new buildings, appliances, and vehicles were designed with energy efficiency in mind, we could stabilize or even decrease the amount of carbon entering the atmosphere.

(JOHANNSEN, Kristin; CHASE, Rebecca. World English 3:  Real people. Real places. Real Language. Heinle Cengage Learning. Boston, 2010  ‐  Adaptado.)


Sobre o texto, analise as afirmativas a seguir:


I. Em tempos passados, o dióxido de carbono na atmosfera não era considerado algo ruim, pois o efeito estufa criado por ele evitava que a Terra se tornasse muito fria.

II. Há uma questão com a qual todo o mundo concorda: a principal causa das catástrofes naturais da atualidade é o crescimento da população da Terra.

III. Nós já elevamos a temperatura da Terra em vários graus na escala Fahrenheit, com resultados devastadores, porém reversíveis.

IV. Uma das soluções apontadas para se atenuar o aquecimento global é o uso de uma tecnologia avançada, surpreendente, já em desenvolvimento.  

V. Se todos os edifícios, aparelhos e veículos novos fossem projetados, tendo em vista a eficiência energética, poderíamos estabilizar ou mesmo reduzir a quantidade de carbono na atmosfera.  



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