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  1. 1

    UNESP 2013

    Examine os anúncios para responder à questão. Nos anúncios, as palavras use, you, need, electricity e wisely são exemplos, respectivamente, de

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    UPF 2015

    Answer question(s) according to text.     Bag your Bags, Bring 'em Back     The best way to recycle your plastic bags and film is to bring them back to a store that collects them for recycling. Just stuff them clean and dry into a single plastic bag, tie it up, and drop it into a plastic bag collection container found at the retail partners. Note: The stores listed below have partnered with King County to promote the Bag Your Bag campaign. There may be other stores not listed that accept plastic bags for recycling.     1Plastic bags and film collected at grocery stores stay cleaner and are easier for recycling facilities to process than bags placed in your home recycling collection bin. The bags are turned into new products like decking, benches, playground structures, and new plastic bags. And remember to bring along your reusable bags when you shop.     The Bag your Bags, Bring 'em Back campaign is a partnership between the King County Solid Waste Division and local grocery stores to show the best way to recycle plastic bags. (Retrieved and adapted from Access on September 28th, 2014) In the title of the campaign, ‘Bag your Bags, Bring ‘em Back’, the words in bold are respectively classified as:

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    UEG 2010

    Texto 3 Considerando as ideias presentes no texto e os aspectos da língua inglesa, é CORRETO afirmar que

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    UEL 2006

    PHOTO COMPETITION Win a Canon camera and see the world! WHAT THEME? For April, May and June 2005, the theme is Glamour. FANTASTIC CANON CAMERA PRIZES! At the end of each quarter three Canon cameras will be awarded to the best photographs in the relevant thematic category. DON'T BE LATE... Entries for the Canon Glamour prize must be received by July 8, 2005. Winners will be selected by a panel of expert judges. Black-and-white, colour prints and transparencies should be mailed to: Media Partners Fulfilment Department, PO Box 2215, 1180 EE Amstelveen, The Netherlands. Digital images in JPG format (1200 × 1800 pixels, max. 300 dpi) should be e-mailed to: hollandherald& Please enclose full name, address, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address as well as a brief description of the locale and circumstance in which your photograph was taken. Submit details of the flight (date, flight number) during which you read about the competition. Only one photograph (max 10 × 15 cm) or one JPG digital image per category can be accepted. For the latest competition results and prizewinners, visit the KLM website and click on "Specials and Offers". (Fonte: Holland Herald, p. 44, april 2005.) É correto afirmar que a escolha do tempo verbal no ato de abertura "Win a Canon camera and see the world!" tem como objetivo:

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    UEG 2005

    A Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. Mary Miché Chorus: Martin Luther King, you make my spirit sing. You mean so much to me, 'cause you taught us how to be free. You loved everybody black or white, And you taught us it's no good to fight, But just to stand up for what's right, And let your love shine like a light. You bravely walked the streets of this land. You marched with others, hand in hand. You taught us that we all should stand, Together, for equality in this land. You spoke of justice loud and long, With patience and love you fought against wrong, As brothers and sisters we'll be strong, And so to you we give this song. Disponível em: Acesso em:18 maio 2005.   Com base no texto, verifica-se que

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